Friday, May 29, 2015

And now, some color treatments.

Abusing Nik's Color Efex Pro this evening. ;)

As always, click the photos to enlarge:

Monday, May 25, 2015

Black & White Treatments

Still really enjoying Nik's Silver Efex Pro! I've been stuck inside for a while recovering from surgery and have been going through some photos, looking for some good candidates for B&W conversion and processing a handful.

Here are a few. As always, click for a better image:

The Magnificent Welles

So wonderful! I just re-watched this yesterday after not having seen it for a couple of years and I just can't recommend it enough. What an absolute tour de force of writing and acting!

For anyone who is a fan of Orson Welles, this is a definite must! It's an astounding one-man-show, written and acted by Marcus Wolland.

This is an incisive peek into the complex character of an iconoclastic genius, not fully understood or appreciated in his time. Set during the time of Welles' "The Magnificent Ambersons" and how the studio basically rejiggered and 'destroyed' the movie while he was out of the country.

I originally found my copy here on Amazon.